17 Feb
Book Haul!

One of my favorite things to do (should I feel up to the task and build in a few coffee breaks to rest my back) is hunt for my next favorite book.  My husband and I like to go to Barnes and Noble as well as a few used bookstores in the city.  We hit the sale rounders at Barnes and Noble looking for discounted reads then browse the New Releases sections.  At used bookstores, really, it's whatever strikes our eyes; it's easy to take a chance on a book when it only costs $2-$4.  

This was a pretty successful haul!  

At Barnes, I picked up Freefall by Jessica Barry.  There's been quite a lot of buzz about this book and I didn't want to wait for it to go to paperback. I literally just finished Before The Fall (also about a plane crash); hope they're not too similar.  I also got 7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton.  The buzz about this book portends a mind-trip reminiscent of Groundhog Day.  I can't wait!  Finally, I picked up a sale book, Good Me Bad Me by Ali Land.  Barnes does two hardback books for $10 (sale rounder! yay!) so, I felt comfortable taking a chance on this title.

The used bookstore--sometimes hit or miss--had a few offerings of interest.  I picked up Birds Without Wings by Louis De Bernieres, an Historical Fiction title with solid reviews on Goodreads.  I try to look for historical fiction books about topics in history I know little about; it's great to learn and be entertained, right?  

Another Historical Fiction title, Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende has been on my radar for years and came with many 4-star reviews by Goodreads friends. I know I'm late to the game with this wonderful book...no time like the present! 

 Dark Places by Gillian Flynn managed to escape my radar for a while (odd, huh?) but, after reading other Flynn works I had to hunt this former title down.  Glad I found it!  Sharp Objects was a good book that I found a wee. bit predictable.  Fingers crossed this one will be better, but for $2, I won't complain.

Finally, I snagged The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon, the 5th in the Outlander series.  Now, I've read book one and have seen--I'm guessing--books 2-4 on Starz.  Again, it was an easy decision to jump books in the series when I was able to grab it for a few bucks.  I wasn't ga-ga over Outlander, but appreciated the time travel aspect and the historical research done.

Do you prefer new or used books?  Have you picked up anything new you're especially excited to read?  Drop a comment and let me know.

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